
noun; plural: trusted advisors

Look up “Fiduciary” in the dictionary, and you find a variety of definitions, but none that are very helpful. So what the heck is a fiduciary anyway?

Imagine a person who would do exactly what you want to do for yourself, your family and your business. Someone with the resources and expertise to navigate your concerns related to healthcare, finances, estate/trust management, special-needs children, and more; who puts your interest ahead of their own and has a duty to preserve good faith and trust. Now imagine that they do all of this for a really reasonable cost.

Now, Look up “Fiduciator” but wait – you won’t find it. We coined the word fiduciator to describe a mediator who has training as a fiduciary. A mediator who fully understands the issues families face in caring for their elderly parents, distributing estates in a way that allows for each member to participate in a way that is meaningful to them. Negotiated settlements are being promoted in the probate court and mediation is a perfect approach to such cases.

Lynne Diamond, J.D., C.L.P.F. # 1196
Specializing in Conflict Resolution, Family Mediation and Legal Document Expertise